Freelance Beginner Guides

How the desire to educate can make you better at sales

Sales was (and still is) easily the hardest part of freelancing for me. I’m not a natural born salesperson. The last thing I want to do is try to convince someone they want something when I know that they don’t. And that’s exactly how I saw sales. But one day I had a simple but […]

Freelance Web Apps

How I increased my freelance income by 54% in 2 months with IFTTT

I recognize this reads like a clickbait title, but what I’d really like to share with you is how I used If This Then That (IFTTT) to automate a lot of the processes involved in finding new clients for my business. I’m not guaranteeing any crazy results, other than saving you some time and making […]

Freelance Beginner Guides

Setting your freelance rates without losing your (over)head

Setting your freelance rates can be an intimidating process. It’s like walking into a job interview and being forced to discuss compensation–over, and over, and over. While over time your confidence will grow (and your ‘imposter syndrome’ will diminish), an important thing to keep in mind if clients balk at your rates is how many […]

Creator Resources Freelance Web Apps

Make these 7 web apps the cornerstone of your freelance workflow

Working for yourself is great! Unless the management is terrible… Stay on task with these 7 freelance tools.